Hello NG Community,
We just recently updated our game, Valhalla Bound, to support medals!
In addition, we have made some slight tweaks and adjustments to the game.
Version 1.4.0:
- 32 medals integrated
- A new Achievements Screen to view unlocked medals (accessible in the Title Screen)
- A new rank gauge that shows the change of your best rank since the last submission
- Minor improvements to the user interface
A big thanks to not only our fans, but also to all those that have left reviews and constructive criticisms! Along with the players who have played this game quite effectively, even beating one of our developer's top score! (^_^")
Unfortunately, due to some changes to the ranking system, we had to wipe clean all previous scores. However, we know the best players will be back on top soon!
Once again, a big thanks from the Avizial team! We have a few games on the horizon that we hope to share with everyone real soon!